سْــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْـــــمِ

سْــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْـــــمِ
"But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good, as Allah has been good to thee, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief."‎ - QS.28: 77
(To the 'righteous' SOUL will be said): "O (thou) SOUL, in (complete) rest and satisfaction! "Come back thou to thy Lord,- well pleased (thyself), and well-pleasing unto Him! "Enter thou, then among My devotees! "Yea, ENTER thou My Heaven!." Qur'an surah 89 Fajr ayah 27-30.

Madinah Syariah - My Sword of Jihad

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Madinah Annual Mother's Day Event
"Gerakan Memuliakan Ibu" Since: 2007

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Re: [Online Hydroponic Superstore] PLASTIK UV ECERAN

Antoro Surya
Antoro Surya 3 Januari 11:17
Hehehe, bukan 2roll ya Om,hehehe
Riwayat Komentar
Antoro Surya
Antoro Surya3 Januari 11:17
Hehehe, bukan 2roll ya Om,hehehe
Sugeng Widyarso
Sugeng Widyarso3 Januari 11:09
Testimoni ah ...
Recommended seller dah, ngai kemarin kulakan plastik UV 1 roll, dikirim pas 1 roll :D
Antoro Surya
Antoro Surya3 Januari 10:17
SUNDULAN pertama di tahun 2015.
Mas Moko
Mas Moko2 Januari 8:22
Antoro Surya
Antoro Surya29 Desember 13:04
Sundul. :-)
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Kiriman Asli
Antoro Surya
Antoro Surya8 Maret 14:22
Update harga dan stok BARU!

a. Tebal 200micron,UV 6% warna putih milky
-Lebar 3m @ Rp.23.000/m
-Lebar 4m @ Rp.29.000/m

IMPOR (Taiwan)
Tebal 200micron,UV 14%
a. Warna Putih Milky
-Lebar 4m @ Rp.41.000/m
b. TEBAL 250 micron,putih.
-Lebar 3,50m @ 58.000/m
(*Minimum order plastik UV 6m..untuk pembelian diatas 10m ada potongan harga lagi lho.. ;-) )

SCREEN NET Lebar 1m warna:
- hijau @ Rp.9000/m
- putih @ Rp.10.000/m
(*minim order 10m..untuk pembelian diatas 20m ada potongan lagi. :-) )

a. 65% lebar 2,75m
b. 75% lebar 2m
(*minim ord 10m..untuk pembelian diatas 15m ada potongan harga lagi. :-) )

Boleh nanya-nanya, untuk fast response bisa langsung sms

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