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Madinah Retail Network Business is My Sword of Jihad - I know what I'am doing, Paradise has a Price; and I hope this will be the Price for Paradise - For True Success, ask yourself these Four Questions: Why? - Why Not? - Why Not me? - Why Not Now?
سْــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْـــــمِ"But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good, as Allah has been good to thee, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief." - QS.28: 77(To the 'righteous' SOUL will be said): "O (thou) SOUL, in (complete) rest and satisfaction! "Come back thou to thy Lord,- well pleased (thyself), and well-pleasing unto Him! "Enter thou, then among My devotees! "Yea, ENTER thou My Heaven!." Qur'an surah 89 Fajr ayah 27-30.